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在20:41 2010年11月20日由Foodbk (Talk | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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[编辑] 公司介绍

  We  registered in Chongqing Administration for Industry and Commerce for food processing and importing and exporting, is specialized in importing, exporting, processing and the sales of buffalo/beef by-products, sheep by-products, pork by-products, poultry and other frozen food, frozen seafood and stereotypedly-packed food.
 T&X started in 2000 (former HM frozen food company) and has got a strong market share and a very excellent business performance, also enjoys a strong fame and reputation in the industry. The products that we are distributing are selling to the wholesale markets, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants in southern China.
 The products that we are selling are excellent in quality, favorable in price, processed strictly
according to the national hygiene standards under hygiene supervision. The one-stop sales management pattern from the professional processing plant to the markets has been achieved in our company. We will fully use the advantage of funds and managerial talents, and contribute the diversification of products and the scientific management further more, so that the collectivization management pattern will be solidly formed.

[编辑] 详细信息

主营产品或服务: 水产品;水产品;羊副产品;牛副产品;猪副产品;海鲜食品; 主营行业: 虾类 鱼类 其他鲜活水产品 粗加工水产品
企业类型: 有限责任公司 经营模式: 生产加工
注册资本: 人民币 50 万 公司注册地: 中国 重庆
员工人数: 公司成立时间: 2007 年
法定代表人/负责人: 谭清木 主要客户:
年营业额: 主要经营地点: 重庆市渝北区金石大道456号A7—1
主要市场: 经营品牌:

[编辑] 工商注册信息

公司名称: 重庆互贸食品有限公司
注 册 号: 500104000003769
注册地址: 中国重庆大渡口区茄子溪陈家坝15号
法定代表人: 谭清木
注册资本: 人民币50万元
企业类型: 有限责任公司
成立日期: 2007年09月14日
营业期限: 2007-09-14 至 长期
经营范围: 加工:牛副产品、海产冻品;销售:牛副、羊副、猪副产品、海产冻品、冷冻食品、定型包装食品。(以上经营范围法律、行政法规禁止的除外;法律、行政法规限制的取得许可后经营。)
登记机关: 重庆市工商行政管理局
年检时间: 2009年(最近)

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