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[编辑] 公司介绍

in 2004, at the beginning of ECMC organized in Shanghai, introduced the Italian coffeemaker technology. Beginning the company is founded devotes to the commercial coffeemaker's research and development and the promotion, making belongs to China's commercial coffeemaker.
in 2005, ECMC will produce the location to move to the Jiangsu Xuzhou, and registers Brother Yao in Xuzhou the coffee equipment Limited company to carry on the commercial coffeemaker's production.
In 2006, ECMC to buy land, build factories, purchase of processing equipment and spare parts for commercial coffee machines for the production of open die, completely divorced from the use of imported spare parts to commercial coffee machines to reduce production costs significantly.
In 2007, ECMC registered trade mark, the appearance of the original machine has been improved at the same time adding new models to meet the needs of the market.
in 2008, ECMC carried on European Union to the coffeemaker to authenticate, and exported Spain successfully, caused the product to go out the entrance to a country.
in 2009, ECMC rubs the bean machine to the commercial semiautomatic coffeemaker's complete set of products to carry on the research and development.
目前,  ECMC还在继续努力服务更多的客户.
At present, ECMC is also continuing to try hard to serve more customers.
未来,  ECMC缔造咖啡好品质
In the future, ECMC will create the coffee good quality

[编辑] 详细信息

主营产品或服务: monte carlo咖啡机、咖啡机零配件;Lacaffee; 主营行业: 其他食品、饮料加工设备
企业类型: 有限责任公司 经营模式: 经销批发
注册资本: 人民币 50 万 公司注册地: 中国 上海
员工人数: 51 - 100 人 公司成立时间: 2004 年
法定代表人/负责人: 王继美 主要客户:
年营业额: 主要经营地点: 上海松江区
主要市场: 经营品牌:

ECMC /montecarlo

公司主页 http://www.montecarlo888.com.cn


[编辑] 联系方式


电话:0591-87110055-818 传真:0591-83302880

移动电话:15980211919 客服电话:4000-186-187

QQ: 673410766 Emall: ytmaksim@sina.com


[编辑] 工商注册信息

公司名称: 上海星爵士市场营销策划有限公司
注 册 号: 3102292072859
注册地址: 中国上海青浦区城中东路350号
法定代表人: 王继美
注册资本: 人民币50万元
企业类型: 有限责任公司
成立日期: 2004年09月29日
营业期限: 2004-09-29 至 2014-09-28
经营范围: 市场营销策划,商务信息咨询,咖啡机设备技术的研究、开发,销售咖啡机、日用百货、厨房设备及用品、工艺品、文教用品、办公用品、计算机及配件、建材、摄影器材、通信器材、五金交电、机电设备、化工原料(除危险品)、汽车配件。(涉及行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。
登记机关: 上海市工商行政管理局青浦分局
年检时间: 2010年(最近)

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