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在05:59 2010年4月22日由Foodbk (Talk | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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序号 项目名称 起止时间 项目来源 本人承担任务
1 淡水鱼肌球蛋白热稳定性的季节变化及其分子机理研究 2005.8-2007.12 上海市教委重点项目 主持
2 淡水鱼肌球蛋白凝胶化功能的季节变化及其分子机理的研究 2005.8-2007.12 上海市科委国际合作项目 主持
3 淡水鱼肌肉蛋白质的稳定性和凝胶化特性及其热驯化改性的研究 2006.11-2008.10 上海市科委浦江人才基金 主持
4 应用于食品安全领域的生物传感器的研制(子课题:基于几种食源性致病菌的特异性蛋白的重组DNA表达及其相关抗体的制备) 2006.11-2008.9 上海市科委重大项目 合作方主持
5 基于驯化温度表达的鲢鱼肌球蛋白同工型及其结构和功能性质的研究 2006.10-2008.10 中日合作 合作方主持


1、Y. Tao, Z. Wang, S. Watabe. Seasonal effects on stability of freshwater fish actomyosin. Fish. Sci. 2002;Vol. 68, Supplement: 1495-1498. (Sci accepted).

2、Y. Tao, M. Kobayashi, CS. Liang, T. Okamoto, S. Watabe. Temperature-dependent expression patterns of grass carp fast skeletal myosin heavy chain genes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 2004;Vol. B139: 649-656. (Sci accepted)

3、Y. Tao, M. Kobayashi, H. Fukushima, S. Watabe. Changes in enzymatic and structural properties of grass carp fast skeletal myosin induced by the laboratory-conditioned thermal acclimation and seasonal acclimatization. Fish. Sci. 2005;Vol. 71: 195-204. (Sci accepted)

4、Y. Tao, M. Kobayashi, H. Fukushima and S. Watabe. Changes in rheological properties of grass carp fast skeletal myosin induced by seasonal acclimatization . 2007;Fish. Sci. 73: 189-196. (Sci accepted)

5.SY, Wang, Y,Tao*, CS,Liang, H,Fukushima, S,Watabe. cDNA cloning and characterization of temperature-acclimation-associated light meromyosins from grass carp fast skeletal muscle. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. PartB (have been accepted) (Sci accepted)

6.Y. Tao, M. Kobayashi, T. Okamoto, S. Watabe. cDNA cloning of myosin heavy chain isoforms from grass carp fast skeletal muscle. The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Kinki.April 2, 2002.

7.Y. Tao, M. Kobayashi, S. Watabe. Differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism spectrometry of acclimation temperature-associate types of grass carp myosin. International Symposium on Function of Marine Organisms,Tokyo. February 22, 2003.

8.Y. Tao, M. Kobayashi, S. Watabe. Grass carp myosin isoforms exhibit different structural and functional properties in association with seasonal temperature fluctuation. The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Tokyo. April 2, 2003.  

9.陶妍,王慥 ,乳状鱼蛋白的营养评价,氨基酸和生物资源,2005;27(1):19-21








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