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食品科技学院渊源于 1902 年创办的中央大学农产与制造学科, 1985 年在全国农业院校中率先成立了食品科学系, 1996 年扩系建院,成立了食品科技学院。

学院现下设食品科学、食品工程、生物工程 3 个系, 7 个研究室, 4 个基础实验室, 3 个食品加工中试工厂,国家一级学会 ---- 中国畜产品加工研究会也挂靠本院,编辑出版《中国畜产与食品》杂志。学院拥有 1 个博士后流动站, 1 个农业部重点开放实验室, 1 个博士点, 4 个硕士点,食品科学与工程、生物工程和食品质量与安全 3 个本科专业。学院现有教职工 42 名,其中教授 11 人,副教授 18 人,博士生导师 6 人,硕士生导师 11 人,具有博士、硕士学位的教职工占 80% 以上。目前在校本科生 700 多人,研究生 110 余人。学院承担国家自然科学资金、部省级课题及横向课题研究 80 多项,荣获国家和部省级科技进步奖 10 多项,获国家专利 5 项,有 3 项成果分别获国际博览会金奖、首届农业博览会金奖和全国轻工博览会金奖,在国际学术刊物上发表论文 40 余篇(其中 25 篇被 SCI 、 EI 等收录和引用),国内学术刊物上发表论文 500 余篇,出版专著 11 部,教材 11 部。学院注重科研成果的开发与转化,先后在江苏、福建、安徽、北京、甘肃、江西等地取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益。

学院注重拓展海内外科技合作关系,曾多次承办大型学术会议,接待美国、日本、加拿大、荷兰、澳大利亚等前来讲学的专 家 教授 50 多人次,派出国外进修、访问、攻读学位的教师 40 余人次。除学校所设的各类奖学金外,一批在食品界有影响的公司也在学院设立了奖学金和奖教金,如雨润、唐人神、丰岛、金象等。

现 任 院 长:陆兆新 教 授

党总支书记 :张剑仲 副教授

Introduction of the College of Food Science and Technology

The College of Food Science and Technology (CFST) is evolved from the department of agricultural products and manufacture of Central University which was established in 1902. It is one of the firstly established food science and technology departments in agricultural universities and colleges nationwide. In 1996, the department was expanded and the food science and technology college was established.

At present, the CFST consist of food science department, food technology department, biotechnology department, seven research laboratories, four basic experimental laboratories, three pilot-scale food plants and one national society --- Animal Products Processing society which links to our college as well and its publication “China Animal Products and Food”. There is one postdoctoral degree-conferring unit, one key open laboratory authorized by national agriculture ministry, one doctoral degree-conferring unit, and four Master's degree-conferring units. There are three major fields for undergraduates: food science and technology, biotechnology, food quality and safety. There are 42 staffs including 11 professors, 18 associated professors, 6 Ph D supervisors, and 11 Master's supervisors. In the college, 80% of the staffs own PH.D degree or Master's degree. There are more than 700 undergraduates and 110 postgraduates presently. The CFST has undertaken more than eighty research projects sponsored by China National natural Science Foundation , Ministries, provincial governments. The research results have gained more than 10 prizes of science & technology progress nationally or provincially, and 5 national patents. There were 3 achievements gained golden prize of international fair, gold en prize of the first agriculture fair and golden prize of national light industry fair, respectively. The CFST has published more than 40 research papers internationally (including 25 papers quoted by SCI and EI) and more than 500 papers domestically past 10 years. It has published 11 monographs and 11 textbooks. The CFST pays great attention to the extension and application of research results. It has got great social and economic effects in Jiangsu province, Fujian province, Anhui province, Beijing , Gansu province and Jiangxi province.

The CFST emphasizes on the development of international collaborations and exchanges. It has undertaken many academic conferences, received more than fifty scientists and scholars from America , Japan , Canada , Holland and Australia who came here to lecture and conduct cooperative researches. It has send out more than forty staffs to go further education, visit and obtain higher degrees abroad. Besides those scholarships established by the university, a lot of famous corporations in food industry such as Yurun, Tang Renshen, Fengdao and Jinxiang have also established scholarships in the CFST for students and teachers. The dean of the college: Professor Lu Zhao-Xin

Secretary of the branch of communist membership: Assoc. Prof. Zhang Jian-Zhong


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