
取自 食品百科全书

在08:30 2013年9月10日由Foodbk (Talk | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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Flaming cocaine 燃烧可卡因 Chill the shot glass until a frost has developed on it. All ingredients should be chilled. Add the Aftershock and several small crystals, then add the Vodka, and finally the Cranberry juice. 子弹杯冰镇至起霜,入红色利口酒、伏特加、酸果蔓汁 1 part Aftershock (red) 一份(此酒呈薄荷或肉桂味儿的利口酒类)(红色) 1 part vodka 一份伏特加 1 dash cranberry juice 少量(约一毫升)酸果蔓汁



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