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05:46 2007年4月25日的修订版本 (编辑)
月夜 (Talk | 贡献)

08:39 2007年5月10日的修订版本 (编辑) (undo)
Violin (Talk | 贡献)

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[[category:酒类]] [[category:酒类]]
Squashed Frog 南瓜青蛙(下面的作法上解释可能不会太准确,请大家参考指正) Squashed Frog 南瓜青蛙(下面的作法上解释可能不会太准确,请大家参考指正)
Fill the shot glass 3/4 full with Advocaat then add the Creme de Menthe and then the Grenadine, so that the shot glass in full. Fill the shot glass 3/4 full with Advocaat then add the Creme de Menthe and then the Grenadine, so that the shot glass in full.

08:39 2007年5月10日的修订版本

Squashed Frog 南瓜青蛙(下面的作法上解释可能不会太准确,请大家参考指正) Fill the shot glass 3/4 full with Advocaat then add the Creme de Menthe and then the Grenadine, so that the shot glass in full. Down the drink in one you will find it is surprsingly sweet. If you look at the shot before you drink, it looks similar to what a frog would look like after it has been squashed, not that i have ever done it. 荷产蛋酒先入,再加薄荷酒,最后加入石榴汁,其色初时像青蛙之绿,后看其色则变为南瓜之色。 3 parts advocaat 荷兰产蛋酒 1 part Crème de Menthe (green) 绿薄荷酒 1 part grenadine 石榴汁



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