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00:52 2007年9月8日的修订版本 (编辑)
Foodmate (Talk | 贡献)

当前修订版本 (05:55 2010年4月22日) (编辑) (undo)
Foodbk (Talk | 贡献)

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第15行: 第15行:
英文商品名称: Abamectine;Agrimec[默沙东];Avermectin;Deacarid;Dynamec;MK-0936;mixture of avermectin b1a and avermectin b1b; Affirm; Agri-mek 英文商品名称: Abamectine;Agrimec[默沙东];Avermectin;Deacarid;Dynamec;MK-0936;mixture of avermectin b1a and avermectin b1b; Affirm; Agri-mek
-中文商品名称: 7051杀虫素;阿巴汀[台];阿巴菌素;阿弗菌素;阿维虫清;阿维兰素;爱福丁;爱螨力克虫克星;虫螨光;虫螨齐克;害极;螨虫素;灭虫丁;灭虫清;农哈哈;齐墩螨素;齐墩霉素;齐螨素;强棒;杀虫素;畜卫佳 +中文商品名称: 7051杀虫素;阿巴汀台;阿巴菌素;阿弗菌素;阿维虫清;阿维兰素;[[爱福丁]];爱螨力克虫克星;虫螨光;虫螨齐克;害极;螨虫素;灭虫丁;灭虫清;农哈哈;齐墩螨素;齐墩霉素;齐螨素;强棒;杀虫素;畜卫佳
英文化学名称: 5-O-demethylavermectin A1a; (i) mixture with 5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-25-(1-methylethyl)avermectin A1a (ii) 英文化学名称: 5-O-demethylavermectin A1a; (i) mixture with 5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-25-(1-methylethyl)avermectin A1a (ii)



CAS编码: 71751-41-2

Development Codes: MK-0936

IUPAC名称: �

英文通用名称: Abamectin

中文通用名称: 阿维菌素

英文商品名称: Abamectine;Agrimec[默沙东];Avermectin;Deacarid;Dynamec;MK-0936;mixture of avermectin b1a and avermectin b1b; Affirm; Agri-mek

中文商品名称: 7051杀虫素;阿巴汀台;阿巴菌素;阿弗菌素;阿维虫清;阿维兰素;爱福丁;爱螨力克虫克星;虫螨光;虫螨齐克;害极;螨虫素;灭虫丁;灭虫清;农哈哈;齐墩螨素;齐墩霉素;齐螨素;强棒;杀虫素;畜卫佳 英文化学名称: 5-O-demethylavermectin A1a; (i) mixture with 5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-25-(1-methylethyl)avermectin A1a (ii)

中文化学名称: 阿灭丁


分子式: C48H72O14(avermectin B1a); C47H70O14(avermectin B1b)


分子量: 873.1(avermectin B1a);860.1(avermectin B1b)

性状描述: 原药为白色或黄色结晶(含B1a80%,B1b<20%),蒸气压<200nPa,熔点150- 155℃,21℃时溶解度在水中7.8微克/升、丙酮中100、甲苯中350、异丙醇 70,氯仿25(g/L)常温下不易分解。在25 ℃,pH5-9 的溶液中无分解现象。Composition:A mixture containing≥80% avermectin B1a (i) and ≤20% avermectin B1b (ii).Form:Colourless to pale yellow crystals. M.p.: 150-155 ℃ B.p.: V.p.: <2 ×10-4 mPa Henry: S.g./density: Solubility: In water 7-10 μg/l (20 ℃). In toluene 350, acetone 100, isopropanol 70, chloroform 25, ethanol 20, methanol 19.5, n-butanol 10, cyclohexane 6 (all in g/l, 21 ℃).Stability: Stable to hydrolysis in aqueous solutions at pH 5, 7, and 9 (25 ℃). Sensitive to stronger acid and base. U.V. irradiation causes conversion first to the 8,9-Z- isomer, then to unidentified decomposition products. F.p.:





Oral: Acute oral LD50 for rats 10, mice 13.6 mg/kg (in sesame oil).Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50: for rabbits >2000 mg/kg. Mild eye irritant; non-irritating to skin (rabbits). Inhalation: Birds: Acute oral LD50 for mallard ducks 84.6, bobwhite quail >2000 mg/kg.Fish: LC50 (96 h) for rainbow trout 3.2, bluegill sunfish 9.6 μg/l.Bees: Toxic to bees.Daphnia: EC50 (48 h) 0.34 ppbAlgae: Worms: Other aquatic spp.: LC50 (96 h) for pink shrimp (Panaeus duorarum) 1.6, mysid shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia) 0.022, blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) 153 ppb.




ADI: 0~0.0001mg/kg.bw.(JMPR) 0.0001 mg/kg b.w. [1992]; 0.0002 mg/kg b.w. [1994] (for mixture with △-8,9-isomer).

BMD: �



RfD: �

MTD: �

Acute RfD: �

是否致癌物: ×

是否基因致癌物: ×

其他毒理学性质: 高毒。早期症状为瞳孔放大,行动失调,肌肉颤抖,严重时导致呕吐。经口:立即引吐并给患者服用吐根糖浆或麻黄素,但勿给昏迷患者催吐或灌 任何东西。抢救时避免给患者使用增强γ-氨基丁酸活性的药物如巴比妥 、丙戊酸等) 。[1]施药时要有防护措施,戴好口罩等。[2]对鱼高毒,应避免污染水源和池塘 等。[3]对蜜蜂有毒,不要在开花期施用。[4]最后一次施药距收获期20天。Toxicity class EPA(formulation): IV


类别: Insecticide;Acaricide


作用: Biochemistry: Acts by stimulating the release of γ-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, thus causing paralysis. See M. J. Turner & J. M. Schaeffer in Ivermectin and Abamectin, W. C. Cambell ed., Springer-Verlag, New York (1989) p. 73. Mode of action: Insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement. Uses: Control of motile stages of mites, leaf miners, suckers, Colorado beetles, etc. on ornamentals, cotton, citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops, vegetables, potatoes, and other crops. Application rates are 5.6 to 28 g/ha for mite control, 11 to 22 g/ha for control of leaf miners. Also used for control of fire ants. Phytotoxicity: Compatibility:

作用特点: 它是一种大环内酯双糖类化合物。是从土壤微生物中分离的天然产物,对昆 虫和螨类具有触杀和胃毒作用并有微弱的熏蒸作用,无内吸作用。但它对叶 片有很强的渗透作用,可杀死表皮下的害虫,且残效期长。它不杀卵。其作 用机制与一般杀虫剂不同的是它干扰神经生理活动,刺激释放r-氨基丁酸, 而r-氨基丁酸对节肢动物的神经传导有抑制作用,螨类成、若螨和昆虫与 幼虫与药剂接触后即出现麻痹症状,不活动不取食,2-4天后死亡。因不引 起昆虫迅速脱水,所以它的致死作用较慢。但对捕食性和寄生性天敌虽有直 接杀伤作用,但因植物表面残留少,因此对益虫的损伤小。


国内登记或注册: √

国内生产: √

国外进口: ×


国外应用情况: 无


代谢情况: Animals: Metabolites include 3-demethylavermectin B1 and 24-hydroxymethylavermectin B1. Plants: 8,9-(Z)-avermectin B1 has been identified. The polar degradates are the largest fraction; these are unidentified, but are non-toxic. Soil/environment: Binds tightly to soil, with rapid degradation by soil micro-organisms. No bioaccumulation.

备注: 无

日本肯定列表产品名称 松茸,大米,鳗鱼,鸡肉,鱼片,去壳软体动物,甲壳类(螃蟹),猪肉,冻虾仁,牛肉,蜂蜜,大蒜,洋葱,苹果,板栗,桃,大葱,甘蓝,胡萝卜,番茄,草莓,芦笋,其他,大豆,蘑菇,玉米,花生,茶叶,

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